Building the data science profession: workshop at DI4R 2016

This session addresses the shortfall in data science professionals identified by Research Infrastructures in Europe and beyond as well as in many other sectors and domains. The EU-funded EDISON project is developing a Data Science Framework which offers a way forward that is helping to reduce the gap between the teaching and training on offer and the needs and requirements of those seeking to employ and benefit from Data Science professionals.
Steve Brewer will introduce a series of talks and facilitate a series of discussions on these challenges and opportunities from the perspective of a range of domains that are dependent on Data Science approaches. The emergent outcomes of the EDISON project will be presented and explained on the context of these use cases.
Target audience
The target audience is all stakeholders with a vested interest developing the data science profession. This would include all those whose roles and skills profiles fit in to the data science family: data scientists, data managers, data curators etc. employers of data scientists, recruiters of data scientists, trainers and educators of data scientists, governance-level strategists in academia, research, business or policy-setters.
Benefits for audience
Participants will gain a deep understanding of the process of building the data science profession through use of, and also by contributing to the development of, the EDISON Data Science Framework