Why does Data Science matter?
The emergence of Data Science technologies is having an impact on nearly every aspect of how research is conducted, how scientists think, and how research data are used and shared. The EU-funded EDISON Project is putting in place foundation mechanisms that will speed-up the increase in the number of competent and qualified Data Scientists across Europe and beyond. The EDISON initiative is doing this through various measures aimed at reducing the gap between the supply side of educators and trainers and the demand side of employers. The EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF) is based around a group of tightly related documents namely the Competence Framework, the Body of Knowledge and the Model Curriculum; the various processes that exist to keep the information within these documents fresh and relevant are almost equally as important.
How can EDISON help?
The material and information contained within this section has prepared to assist educators, trainers, employers, and research infrastructure managers in identifying, recruiting and inspiring the data science professionals of the future. Furthermore, the EDISON team are keen to assist in this exploitation and learn from its utilisation.
The EDISON Initiaitive collection is an expanding volume of integrated reports and descriptions that collectively make up a book which forms a comprehensive picture of the EDISON initiative at any point in time.
The focus of the collection is the EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF). Whilst the EDSF is based around a group of tightly related documents namely the Competence FRamework, the Body of Knowledge and the Model Curriculum, the various processes that exist to keep the information within these documents freahs are almost equally as important. Therefore the activities of the Expert Liaison Groups, the Education and Training Champions as well as the ongoing fieldwork and research should be considered as valuable components of the Framework.
How can I get involved?
We very much welcome interaction and collaboration with others interested in this field.
To keep in touch with activity please join our mailing list: edison-net
SIgn-up to edison-net here: https://list.uva.nl/mailman/listinfo/edison-net

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