Third EDISON Champions Conference: Warsaw, Poland
Data Science teaching and training matters
Background to the 3rd EDISON Champions Conference: Warsaw, Poland. 19-20th June at the Centrum Kreatywności (Creativity Centre) Targow
Data science is changing working practices in all areas, and as such the skills and competences required by employers are changing and evolving. The EDISON Data Science Framework offers a fast track for educators, trainers, recruiters and policy makers seeking to close the gap between the skills that employers need and what the market currently offers.
The forthcoming Champions Conference in Warsaw offers an opportunity to learn more about the EDISON Data Science Framework and get a handle on how recruiters, trainers and educators can use the rich collection of material to move faster and more effectively towards their own particular challenges in benefiting from data science.
The EDISON Data Science Framework was originally developed through deep analysis of the rigorous needs of pan-European research infrastructure needs. Subsequently, a global perspective was added on the data science jobs market, skills needed, and crucially, the complex mix of complementary roles needed for successful data science teams.
Attendees of the Warsaw Champions Conference will benefit from a deep understanding of the EDISON Data Science Framework presented by many of the experts responsible for the research and analysis that has contributed to this insight. In addition, success stories will reveal how teams, organisations, and policy-making bodies have made use of the Framework to develop, ratify and forward plan activities to develop their data science teaching and training activities.
The event is being co-hosted with assistance from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw. The venue for the event is the recently built Centre for Creativity of Targowa.
If you are involved in data science-related teaching, training, recruitment, or in developing policy related to these matters, then please consider joining us in Warsaw on the 19th and 201th June.
Further details can be found on the EDISON project website: