Engagement and Interaction
The EDISON initiaitve has a number of channels for engagement depending on your needs in the Data Science profession. The EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF) offers opportuntities and benefits for managers, trainers, teachers, researchers, employers and Data Science professionals.
Through deeper understanding and greater familiarity with Data Science and the associated competences inherent in the profession, all stakeholders stand to gain something. Furthermore the EDISON initiaitive welcomes feedback and interaction in order to continue developing these resources that all stakeholders can enjoy.
How can I engage with EDISON?
Here are some of the current channels for interaction and engagement (although we welcome other approaches):
- Research Data Alliance (RDA) - https://rd-alliance.org/
- Interest Group - Education and Training on handling of research data (IG-ETRD) - Chair(s): Yuri Demchenko, Laura Molloy, Amy Nurnberger, Christopher Jung
- Birds of a Feather - Accreditation and certification schemes: first meeting will be at RDA 9 in Denver, Colorado, USA 17th September, 2016
- Group chair serving as contact person Steve Brewer
- Birds of a Feather - Research Data Management Literacy: first meeting will be at RDA 9 in Denver, Colorado, USA 16th September, 2016
- Group chair serving as contact person Yuri Demchenko
- We are also collaborating with the following projects and organisations:
- CODATA - http://www.codata.org
- European Data Science Academy (EDSA) - https://edsa-project.eu
- Technical and Human Infrastructure for Open Research (THOR) - THOR
- DataLab (Scotland) - http://www.thedatalab.com
Social Media
Follow the EDISON project on Twitter: @EdisonEU - do share your posts with the @EdisonEU community where relevant.
The most recent Tweets can be seen on the EDISON website (use #datascience for relevant posts)
LinkedIn: join the EDISON group for updates and discussions: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8473188
EDISON Community Portal
One of the key goals of the EDISON project is to build a lasting legacy build the two-funded years of activity. One mechanism for achieving this will be the EDISON Community Portal which is under development. The Portal will act as a gateway to a rich collection of resources as well as a platform on which the community can expand and grow. Further details about this will appear shortly.
Employers, recruiters and managers
EDISON is now using the detailed and comprehensive research completed to date to develop a range of tools that will support the work of employers, recruiters and managers of Data Science professions. These will range from simple artifacts such as job descriptions and compatible team roles, to suggested recruitment strategies and tools for managing career progression.
EDISON RDA workshop in Tokyo
The photograph at the top of the page was taken at a meeting of the EDISON-supported Interest Group - Education and Training on handling of research data (IG-ETRD) in Tokyo.
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