EDISON Project

The Horizon 2020 EDISON project (1 September 2015 – 31 August 2017) aims to establish the data scientist as a profession. This will be achieved by aligning industry needs with available career paths, and supporting academies in reviewing their curricula with respect to expected profiles, required expertise and professional certification. This will result in a significant increase in the number and quality of data scientists graduating from universities and being trained by other professional education and training institutions in Europe.

All of this will be accomplished through the development of a number of inter-connected activities including a dialogue between professional sectors and academia for the definition of required skills and competences, a widely recognized definition of a Data Science Competence Framework (CF-DS) and related profiles together with a corresponding Data Science Body of Knowledge (DS-BoK) and related Model Curriculum (MC-DS).

To these ends the project will work in close co-operation with industry experts and research practitioners involved and interested in the development of data scientist profession, now a mainstream feature of the European scientific landscape.

In order to maximise the impact of the EDISON project as a two-year Coordination and Support Action we are assembling the outputs and achievements of the project into a framework that can be used by practitioners from all areas of the Data Science, both during and following the lifetime of the project. This EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF) comprises a range of crucial documents that formally capture key elements of the DS profession, various ongoing processes that can ensure that the relevance of the information is maintained and finally there will be a collection of guidelines and discussion documents that enable optimal use to be made of the Framework.