
The establishment of the Data Scientist as a new profession is a long process, starting from the solid theoretical background all the way to the practical process of certifying the acquired skills.

As CSA project, EDISON ultimately aims to accelerate such a process by coordinating the vision and activities of the stakeholders and supporting them in seizing the benefits of such efforts.

EDISON is aimed at consolidating the basis for the long term process of Data Scientist as Profession and ensuring a significant increase of the number of academically trained and professionally endorsed Data Scientists in the next decade. The following are the more specific and measurable project objectives:

Objective 1: Promote the creation of Data Scientists curricula by an increasing number of universities and professional training organisations. Increasing the number of universities offering Data Science programs is essential in order to respond to the increased demand of the European research, industry and public sectors. In order to support Universities in providing Data Science education the project will develop and implement a model curriculum in cooperation with the major stakeholders in the data driven science and industry. 

Objective 2: Provide conditions and environment for re-skilling and certifying Data Scientists expertise to graduates, practitioners and researchers throughout their careers.  To provide conditions for a sustainable increase in the number of Data Scientists in Europe, EDISON will also support the training by professional organisations of the self-made expert, in the light of reaching the target number of graduates that gradually will satisfy the level of research and industry demand in coming 5-8 years. 

Objective 3: Develop a sustainable business model and a roadmap to achieve a high degree of competitiveness for European education and training on Data Science technologies, provide a basis for the formal recognition of the Data Scientist as a new profession, including supporting the future establishment of formal certification for practicing “self-made” Data Scientists.