Engineering promotes the Master in Data Science at the University of Perugia

A new Master's degree in Data Science, sponsored by Engineering and organized by the Department of Engineering at University of Perugia is to be launched on June 9 during the University's Career Day 2016.

The Perugia event represents a further opportunity to promote the new professional figure of the Data Scientist. In fact, since last December, Engineering has partnered with the University of Perugia in   supporting the initiative with the help of the School of IT & Management "Enrico Della Valle" and Engineering's Research and Development team. Further support and coordiantion has come from the EU-funded EDISON project which has the aim of accelerating the establishment of the profession of Data Scientist at an international level.

Students and recent graduates attending the Career Day at Perugia will have the opportunity to receive help and advice from experts from Engineering on internship and empoyment opportunities. Scientific disciplines available include: Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Computer Science. 

Further information is available:

EDISON on Engineering Site:

The Career Day website:"

